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Aye Guyss xD

Hey'ya xD This will be a game. with dolls.
You have to choose a doll, and I will make you a member card. I will add jobs, shop, house shop, food shop, market, pet shop and more.
Every doll has 1000 Coins, but you have to register. I will add something, at you have to answer that questions. It's really easy.
Good luck.

Comments • 4

xPinkieRainbOw 30 December 2010  
=> Hiii` ...Kiss Yaah (K) [!]
xOLyyzzxD 30 December 2010  
DeduxaaLov3 30 December 2010  
Hey and i wanna join :X
OurWorldx 30 December 2010  
Kay :] and Hey :D
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