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Vips xD

Guys, i have a new idea!
I will make a VIP club. If you wanna be a vip you have to pay 4 Euro. xDDD. [ 30 pics w/ Miley glittery, 20 pics with selena rare and 10 pics w/ demi glittery]
Vips can get any clothes at a very little price, can get animals free, can get married, can have a baby [xD] etc
Be a vip! DressLikeVips waits you! xD
Your Baby xD
Your Baby xD
Be a fashionista xD
Be a fashionista xD
Get Vip
Get Vip
Have a boyfriend xD
Have a boyfriend xD

Comments • 1

xOLyyzzxD 30 December 2010  
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