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You can buy food and medicine in the market.
If you have an useless item, you can sale it here.
If you don't buy food for your doll, she will die in 3 days. If you don't give her water, she will die in 2 days.
Banana- 7 Coins
Banana- 7 Coins
Bread- 5 Coins
Bread- 5 Coins
Cake- 6 Coins
Cake- 6 Coins
Cereal Bar- 8 Coins
Cereal Bar- 8 Coins
Cola- 9 Coins
Cola- 9 Coins
IceCream- 5 Coins
IceCream- 5 Coins
Kiwis- 5 Coins
Kiwis- 5 Coins
Medicine- 100 Coins
Medicine- 100 Coins
Orange- 4 Coins
Orange- 4 Coins
Pears- 7 Coins
Pears- 7 Coins
Steak and chips- 15 Coins
Steak and chips- 15 Coins
Strawberries- 10 Coins
Strawberries- 10 Coins

Comments • 3

xOLyyzzxD 31 December 2010  
Cola and Strawberries <3
xOLyyzzxD 31 December 2010  
And Ice Cream
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